Popeye Issue 932 - December 2024
POPEYE's annual film special. This time, we've changed things up a bit and made it a look ahead to 2025 and beyond. With new and revival films being released in cinemas almost every week, and original works being distributed on streaming platforms, the opportunities to see films have increased dramatically, but I think the challenge of what to choose from the overflowing number of films is also increasing. So, we've compiled a book focusing on the films we're looking forward to and topics related to them. These could simply be films waiting to be released, or directors whose future endeavors are expected. We guarantee that reading this book will enrich your movie life. Let's open the door to a new film."
Popeye first appeared in 1976, billed as the "Magazine for City Boys." It has since garnered a cult following in the West, and is one of the Newsstand's most sought after titles. Published by Magazine House in Tokyo, which also publishes Brutus and &Premium, the magazine is designed with young urban professionals in mind. Each month, topics cover fashion, accessories, on-the-street lifestyle trends, and home living.
Issue: December 2024, Issue 932